Exquisite Minds: Creative and Gifted Children

Exquisite Minds believes in the importance of cultivating creativity in bright and gifted children. We believe creativity can solve almost any problem; rather than why something can’t be done, it’s how it can be done. Exquisite Minds offers support to parents and educators who want to challenge children to find new and constructive ways to look at the world.

Good Study Habits: How to Help

Parents can help with good study habits by creating a comfortable environment and a set routine which allows for the least amount of dissent. As we know, studying hurts, but failing hurts worse.
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Developing Empathy in Children by Using Fiction

Reading literary fiction plays an important role in developing empathy in children. Here's how and why to use literary fiction...
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Letting College Students Choose Their Own Courses

No one knows more than a teenager, just ask them and they’ll tell you. Talk to a gifted teenager and you may even get additional attitude. What happens when the child-who-knows-everything wants to start college by choosing their own courses? Reasons for letting college …
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Creative Toddlers Tell the Best Stories

Laughs from the Gifted Side True Story: A three year-old boy was recently potty trained but was still having trouble during the night. When his father walked in one morning and found his son had wet the bed, the boy …
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Sheldon Big Bang Theory: Understanding Sheldon

The Big Bang Theory is one of the most unique and funniest sitcoms on television today. The show is based around four genius guys who are best friends and employed at Caltech. Out of all the colorful characters, Sheldon is …
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Why Children Feel Guilty When Parents Divorce

Why do children feel guilty when parents divorce? Children are not born knowing the rules they must live by. Early on they learn the rules from the adults in their life. It is not always a pleasant process for the …
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Homesick at Camp: How to Help

Getting homesick at camp can ruin what would otherwise be a great time for your child.  The summer camp experience has been celebrated in movies, songs, and many of our own childhood memories. There is something special about sleeping away …
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Discussing Politics with Children

It was 1976 and Jimmy Carter had won the presidency. As a fourth grader all I knew of the election is what I heard at home from my parents and anchors like Walter Cronkite and Harry Reasoner. The other day …
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Should You Tell Your Child Their IQ Score?

Should Your Child Know Their IQ Score? Children who are tested for gifted services usually want to know their Intelligence Quotient (IQ score). The child may ask this for several reasons. They may want to compare their IQ score with …
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Three Good Study Habits For Kids

Below are three good study habits for kids which will help them succeed at school. Educators are taught children’s work and study habits are set by age...
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How to Raise an Entrepreneur

In today’s world children need to learn how to be business savvy. And now, more than ever because of the increasing complexity of our global economic reality, children need to be taught an understanding of how our financial systems work. It would …
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Should Teachers Lose Their Jobs Based on Student Performance?

Failure by any one of the above three components can cause under-performance in school, regardless of the efforts of the other two components to compensate.
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