College Prep AP vs IB

Advanced Placement versus International Baccalaureate (AP vs IB)

Parents often ask, “Which is a better route for my teenager, AP vs IB? 

The short answer: Let your teenager decide. The student is the one who will have to do the work, complete the program and apply to colleges. Pushing a teenager who does not have the motivation to complete the IB program usually does not work out.

That being said, the student needs to have accurate information given to them so they can make an informed decision. You wouldn’t want your teenager to decline the opportunity just because a friend opted out and told your son or daughter the program is too much work.

Below are links for your teenager to read in pondering his or her options:

All About AP

AP Subjects Explained

Official IB website

Government site on AP and IB: Options for foreign service children

Choosing Sides: The Washington Post

Duke TIP gives their opinion in a Q and A.

History of  AP (Advanced Placement) or IB (International Baccalaureate) in PDF form

See Also: Letting College Students Choose Their Own Courses

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