Exquisite Minds: Creative and Gifted Children

Exquisite Minds believes in the importance of cultivating creativity in bright and gifted children. We believe creativity can solve almost any problem; rather than why something can’t be done, it’s how it can be done. Exquisite Minds offers support to parents and educators who want to challenge children to find new and constructive ways to look at the world.

Good Study Habits: How to Help

Parents can help with good study habits by creating a comfortable environment and a set routine which allows for the least amount of dissent. As we know, studying hurts, but failing hurts worse.
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Developing Empathy in Children by Using Fiction

Reading literary fiction plays an important role in developing empathy in children. Here's how and why to use literary fiction...
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Discussing Politics with Children

It was 1976 and Jimmy Carter had won the presidency. As a fourth grader all I knew of the election is what I heard at home from my parents and anchors like Walter Cronkite and Harry Reasoner. The other day …
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Gifted The Movie-Now on DVD

Gifted is the thoughtful drama directed by Marc Webb (500 Days of Summer), which depicts the struggles of raising a child prodigy amidst differing parenting philosophies. The story line follows a series of affective moments, lending Gifted a compassionate look at the life of an exceptional child.
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Creativity in Education

Creativity in Education and at Home: How to cultivate creativity in children Most parents would be proud if their child was the one who discovered the cure for cancer. In all likelihood the cure will come from a gifted individual …
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Discussing Sensitive Topics with Kids: Stranger Danger, Birds and the Bees, World Events

A parent I know was talking to their three year old about “stranger danger”. After explaining in detail the dangers of approaching a stranger, the parent asked the little boy if he had any questions. He looked up at his …
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Schools to Blame for Decline of Creativity

Many teachers are themselves quite creative and at the very least would like an opportunity to be more innovative in their teaching. However, the decline of creativity...
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Three Good Study Habits For Kids

Below are three good study habits for kids which will help them succeed at school. Educators are taught children’s work and study habits are set by age...
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Best Strategy Board Games

Teaching gifted students over the years gave me the opportunity to discover the best strategy board games for kids. If the game held their interest, challenged them, and helped develop critical thinking, then it was a winner. It became apparent …
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Helping Your Child Communicate

Helping Your Child  Communicate:  It seems there are two types of kids when it comes to communication. There are the ones who verbally express themselves with ease and at times tell their parents more than they want to know. And …
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Homeschooling: the pros and cons

The strongest pro I have found is that students can work at their own pace and therefore are free to spend more time on topics they are passionate about...
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Keeping Kids Thinking with Summer Activities

Summer Activities: Educators will tell you it takes several weeks at the beginning of each school year to get students’ academic skills back to where they were at the end of the previous year. ..
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