Creative ideas for Mother’s Day & Father’s Day
Children know Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are a moment in time to do something nice for their parents. This is a good opportunity for children to be creative and thoughtful in how they express their gratitude to their parents. It helps children to be reminded these holidays are not just for celebrating but are for honoring their parent.
Here are some of my favorite ways parents told me they have been honored (Creative ideas for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day):
“I always liked the coupons my children made themselves. They were redeemable at any time for a hug, help with household jobs, or a night of no complaining about homework.”
“I appreciate personal art work; it can be a drawing or a homemade card. This unique art is often a conversation starter when friends visit.”
“My daughter wrote an awesome original personal story—using all of us in the family as the characters. It was creative and truly interesting.”
“I woke up to breakfast in bed and was pleasantly surprised when I saw that my son washed my car. I thought this was extremely thoughtful.”
“I loved when my kids would plant seeds in a little hand-painted pot and grow something for me.”
“The most memorable Mother’s Day was when our kids created a sort of “spa day”. They gave me a honey facial, created a sugar scrub for my hands, and had me soak my feet in a bucket of warm water—this was all while they played my favorite movie. A mom has to be pretty tolerant for all of that!”
“One Father’s Day my daughter painted rocks for me. She hand-picked the rocks from the river and painted them to represent in pictures or words qualities she appreciated in me. Ten years later, I still have those rocks in a dish on my desk at work.”
“My daughter made a decorative box for me, decoupaged with pictures she cut out of magazines, which she said reminded her of me. It’s actually rather hysterical and every time I look at it I smile.”
“My most valuable possession, something I’d save if the house were on fire, is the box of cards my children have given me over the years telling me what they most appreciated that I have done for them.”
Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are a great opportunity for children to honor their parent by creating something thoughtful and creative. Children in turn learn something about respect as they take a moment to focus on all that their parent does for them throughout the year.