Exquisite Minds: Creative and Gifted Children

Exquisite Minds believes in the importance of cultivating creativity in bright and gifted children. We believe creativity can solve almost any problem; rather than why something can’t be done, it’s how it can be done. Exquisite Minds offers support to parents and educators who want to challenge children to find new and constructive ways to look at the world.

Creativity Scores Going Down

“While IQ scores continue to rise an average of 10 points with each passing generation, researchers are finding the opposite is true of creativity scores. They’re going down.” –Nick Meyer As Nick Meyer writes about the recent Creativity World Forum held …
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Should You Tell Your Child Their IQ Score?

Should Your Child Know Their IQ Score? Children who are tested for gifted services usually want to know their Intelligence Quotient (IQ score). The child may ask this for several reasons. They may want to compare their IQ score with …
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How Summer Camp Can Help Develop a Self-Reliant Child

Why are some kids more self-reliant than others? People learn to be self-reliant because they had to. They had to make decisions for themselves and provide for themselves in some manner. Most parents hope to raise a self-reliant child, the …
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Gifted The Movie-Now on DVD

Gifted is the thoughtful drama directed by Marc Webb (500 Days of Summer), which depicts the struggles of raising a child prodigy amidst differing parenting philosophies. The story line follows a series of affective moments, lending Gifted a compassionate look at the life of an exceptional child.
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Gifted Testing

Gifted Testing: IQ Tests for Children Gifted Testing: For lack of a better method, individual standardized tests are used to determine a person’s level of intelligence. Level of intelligence can be used to determine who qualifies for the label of …
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Standardized Testing Partially to Blame for ADHD?

This is a very interesting video by Sir Ken Robinson, told through animation. Sir Ken talks about shifting educational paradigms. He may strike a chord with parents of children with ADHD, but his points are compelling and worth hearing. For example, …
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Unleash Your Creative Genius

I too once believed because I was not artistic, like my father, that I must not be creative. It wasn’t until I was older that I realized just because I can’t draw doesn’t mean I’m not creative. The following article …
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When You Want to Learn Something New: Turn to TED

There are times when I fear my brain may be turning to mush. This may be due in part to the new entertainment in my world, like reality TV, my iPod and Facebook. At these times of brain deterioration, I realize it’s …
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Creativity in Education

Creativity in Education and at Home: How to cultivate creativity in children Most parents would be proud if their child was the one who discovered the cure for cancer. In all likelihood the cure will come from a gifted individual …
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Benefits of Summer Camp

Summer camp offers many positive benefits as children learn how to communicate their needs and desires to new acquaintances and new adult figures. They must also learn
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