Exquisite Minds: Creative and Gifted Children

Exquisite Minds believes in the importance of cultivating creativity in bright and gifted children. We believe creativity can solve almost any problem; rather than why something can’t be done, it’s how it can be done. Exquisite Minds offers support to parents and educators who want to challenge children to find new and constructive ways to look at the world.

Changes in Teaching

Where has the creative teacher gone and how is this loss affecting our children? Changes in teaching: When I first began my teaching career teachers were allowed to manipulate the provided curriculum, teachers could even write their own lessons and supplement with …
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How to Challenge the Gifted Child at Home

As a teacher of gifted students parents have often asked me what they can do to challenge their gifted child at home. Before the parent looks for outside activities, they may want to look at their own special abilities. Parents of gifted children...
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How to Request a Teacher

How to Request a Teacher for Your Child And When You Should Request a Change of Teacher:   Children know who the best teachers are, just ask them. Kids across the nation have their fingers crossed hoping to get their …
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Developing Empathy in Children by Using Fiction

Reading literary fiction plays an important role in developing empathy in children. Here's how and why to use literary fiction...
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How Summer Camp Can Help Develop a Self-Reliant Child

Why are some kids more self-reliant than others? People learn to be self-reliant because they had to. They had to make decisions for themselves and provide for themselves in some manner. Most parents hope to raise a self-reliant child, the …
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Sibling Rivalry: What Parents Can Do

Sibling Rivalry: While parents cannot prevent their children from arguing and fighting, they can limit the intensity, the duration and the frequency of fighting.
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Letting College Students Choose Their Own Courses

No one knows more than a teenager, just ask them and they’ll tell you. Talk to a gifted teenager and you may even get additional attitude. What happens when the child-who-knows-everything wants to start college by choosing their own courses? Reasons for letting college …
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Discussing Politics with Children

It was 1976 and Jimmy Carter had won the presidency. As a fourth grader all I knew of the election is what I heard at home from my parents and anchors like Walter Cronkite and Harry Reasoner. The other day …
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Creative Kids: Making Videos for You Tube

Encouraging your child to create videos can stimulate creativity and keep them busy. If your child gets lucky, they may even make some money. Creative kids
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Raising Creative Children to Compete in Today’s World

Experts agree there are actions parents can take which will encourage lasting creativity in children:
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