Exquisite Minds: Creative and Gifted Children

Exquisite Minds believes in the importance of cultivating creativity in bright and gifted children. We believe creativity can solve almost any problem; rather than why something can’t be done, it’s how it can be done. Exquisite Minds offers support to parents and educators who want to challenge children to find new and constructive ways to look at the world.

Unleash Your Creative Genius

I too once believed because I was not artistic, like my father, that I must not be creative. It wasn’t until I was older that I realized just because I can’t draw doesn’t mean I’m not creative. The following article …
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Child Prodigy–Nature or Nurture?

Child Computer Prodigy–Marko Casalan Most people have heard of Bill Gates and Microsoft but have you heard of Marko Casalan? At the young age of nine, Marko, a child in Macedonia, has earned the title of the world’s youngest computer programmer certified …
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How to Raise an Entrepreneur

In today’s world children need to learn how to be business savvy. And now, more than ever because of the increasing complexity of our global economic reality, children need to be taught an understanding of how our financial systems work. It would …
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Should Teachers Lose Their Jobs Based on Student Performance?

Failure by any one of the above three components can cause under-performance in school, regardless of the efforts of the other two components to compensate.
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5 Important Areas For Evaluating Your Child’s Progress This School Year

(First published in The Light Magazine September, 2012) Getting kids ready for back-to-school can be a daunting task for any parent. Once the lunches are negotiated and backpacks prepared, it’s time to think about how you will ensure your child …
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Helping Your Child Communicate

Helping Your Child  Communicate:  It seems there are two types of kids when it comes to communication. There are the ones who verbally express themselves with ease and at times tell their parents more than they want to know. And …
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Spring Break in South Florida: Where to take the kids

Spring break in South Florida: If you would like your child to have an educational and challenging spring break, you can check out some of the fun and touristy, yet educational activities that South Florida has to offer.
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Why Nurturing Creativity in Kids is so Important

By Ben Michaelis, Ph.D. Recent academic studies have shown that American kids are no longer as creative as they once were.  This should not come as a shock to anyone, as we live in an era obsessed with numbers, data, …
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Children’s Online Privacy

For parents to keep abreast of technology and protect their children’s privacy, there are a few areas worth refreshing on a yearly basis:
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Creativity Scores Going Down

“While IQ scores continue to rise an average of 10 points with each passing generation, researchers are finding the opposite is true of creativity scores. They’re going down.” –Nick Meyer As Nick Meyer writes about the recent Creativity World Forum held …
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