Exquisite Minds: Creative and Gifted Children

Exquisite Minds believes in the importance of cultivating creativity in bright and gifted children. We believe creativity can solve almost any problem; rather than why something can’t be done, it’s how it can be done. Exquisite Minds offers support to parents and educators who want to challenge children to find new and constructive ways to look at the world.

Three Good Study Habits For Kids

Below are three good study habits for kids which will help them succeed at school. Educators are taught children’s work and study habits are set by age...
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10 Best Apps for Kids (that will encourage creativity)

These are the top 10 apps we found to encourage creativity in kids. They are either educational and/or entertaining and they all foster creativity! World of Goo by 2D Boy: This app for kids has won many awards. A game …
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Raising Children to be Individual Thinkers in this Political Climate

There are five steps parents can take to help their child to become an individual thinker.
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Changes in Teaching

Where has the creative teacher gone and how is this loss affecting our children? Changes in teaching: When I first began my teaching career teachers were allowed to manipulate the provided curriculum, teachers could even write their own lessons and supplement with …
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Teaching Gifted Children Through Independent Studies

Independent studies or self-directed learning can be an excellent strategy for challenging gifted children, as long as teachers do not rely too heavily on this teaching method. However, how much independence is too much?
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Google Search Tips: Helping Kids Google

Life gives you questions, Google gives you answers. As teachers we spent time helping our students learn to be good Googlers. This was so they could get correct information as fast as possible. You too can use these Google search …
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Unleash Your Creative Genius

I too once believed because I was not artistic, like my father, that I must not be creative. It wasn’t until I was older that I realized just because I can’t draw doesn’t mean I’m not creative. The following article …
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Explaining Protests to Children

Children see many kinds of protests on television and online. Currently, there are several ongoing protests in the US, such as, Black Lives Matter, Police Brutality Protests, and Coronavirus/mask protests. During these protests kids may even hear their Hollywood idol …
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How to Raise an Entrepreneur

In today’s world children need to learn how to be business savvy. And now, more than ever because of the increasing complexity of our global economic reality, children need to be taught an understanding of how our financial systems work. It would …
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Standardized Testing Partially to Blame for ADHD?

This is a very interesting video by Sir Ken Robinson, told through animation. Sir Ken talks about shifting educational paradigms. He may strike a chord with parents of children with ADHD, but his points are compelling and worth hearing. For example, …
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