Exquisite Minds: Creative and Gifted Children

Exquisite Minds believes in the importance of cultivating creativity in bright and gifted children. We believe creativity can solve almost any problem; rather than why something can’t be done, it’s how it can be done. Exquisite Minds offers support to parents and educators who want to challenge children to find new and constructive ways to look at the world.

Discussing Politics with Children

It was 1976 and Jimmy Carter had won the presidency. As a fourth grader all I knew of the election is what I heard at home from my parents and anchors like Walter Cronkite and Harry Reasoner. The other day …
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The Three Biggest Mistakes Made in Disciplining Children

Child Management and Disciplining Children at School and at Home As a teacher of 16 years I can attest that my greatest battles in the classroom were due to behavioral issues with students. I knew consistency was the key but …
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How to Challenge the Gifted Child at Home

As a teacher of gifted students parents have often asked me what they can do to challenge their gifted child at home. Before the parent looks for outside activities, they may want to look at their own special abilities. Parents of gifted children...
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Why Children Feel Guilty When Parents Divorce

Why do children feel guilty when parents divorce? Children are not born knowing the rules they must live by. Early on they learn the rules from the adults in their life. It is not always a pleasant process for the …
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Gifted Programs: Is Inclusion the Answer?

There is a drive to create a more inclusive gifted program in our schools. Is this one of the answers to a system that many say is failing the public or is it just another way to pacify those who …
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Why Nurturing Creativity in Kids is so Important

By Ben Michaelis, Ph.D. Recent academic studies have shown that American kids are no longer as creative as they once were.  This should not come as a shock to anyone, as we live in an era obsessed with numbers, data, …
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Girl Drama and the Creative Child

Contributed by: Angela Roche My nine-year-old daughter came home from spending the day at her cousin’s house.  Her cousin is in the sixth grade and had invited another friend over.  Three is never a good number!  Lauren snuggled up with …
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Creative Toddlers Tell the Best Stories

Laughs from the Gifted Side True Story: A three year-old boy was recently potty trained but was still having trouble during the night. When his father walked in one morning and found his son had wet the bed, the boy …
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Holiday Stress: When Traditions Change

It is hard to believe it is almost that time of year. As we enter the holiday season, you can almost smell gingerbread and panic in the air. In order to keep our anxiety in check, most of us find …
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Sibling Rivalry: What Parents Can Do

Sibling Rivalry: While parents cannot prevent their children from arguing and fighting, they can limit the intensity, the duration and the frequency of fighting.
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